
Download free everybody went to the rapture
Download free everybody went to the rapture

download free everybody went to the rapture download free everybody went to the rapture

But after the Rapture, they will be gone. Today Bible-believing Christians stand in his way. In that day, Satan will use everything he can, including technology, to consolidate his power through the Antichrist in an attempt to overthrow God.

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Jesus described the Tribulation as a time of evil and trouble “such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Mt. The event that will befall the planet when they are gone is called the Great Tribulation. It is a snatching away of those who have been redeemed. The event that removes them is called the Rapture of the church. A completely different world is coming-one that, for a time, will not contain a single, genuine, Bible-believing Christian.

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